The Wireless Remote Switch Box from SpeedTech Lights features 5 power switches (labelled A, B, C, D, E) and 1 momentary switch (labelled F) with capability to power up to 10 amps per switch for a range up to 100 feet.
With 7 inches of cable from the power supply, installation is made simple. Connect your lights to the power supply and tuck your power supply away and simply control your lights from your remote control switch box with the push of a button. Your buttons will light up with built in LED lights when a button is powered on so you will always know when your lights are or aren't running.
This light and compact remote control box can be attached to any key chain. With the SpeedTech Lights name to back up this product, you can Shop With Confidence knowing you're going to get the best quality switch box for the lowest price possible.